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Modern trends such as social media, mobile devices, and IoT are producing so much data that the volume in existence is doubling every two years. Many corporations understand the potential for this data to provide useful insights but not many are able to process it in a time-effective way to inform decisions.

@Azure could be your differentiator. The cloud and AI analytics have the ability to process huge amounts of data and provide actionable insights to your business in a timely manner. Connect with Proereal SRL with all your #Azure questions.

SitePro Part 1

How did the software platform SitePro find their competitive edge? By making themselves the “one-stop shop” for oil and gas companies to combine what used to be multiple systems–each operated by a different third party–into a single, scalable, integrated system.

For their customers, this means faster setup times for new facilities and efficient monitoring of their equipment. For SitePro, it means more business. Everyone wins. And, with the vast and affordable scalability @Azure provides, they are free to expand their services exactly when needed and not a moment before.

Contact us to learn more about finding your competitive advantage with #Azure.

Gartner Forecasts Worldwide Public Cloud Revenue to Grow 17% in 2020

“At this point, cloud adoption is mainstream,” said Sid Nag, research vice president at Gartner, Inc. The world’s leading research and advisory company, Gartner forecasts a 17% growth in worldwide public cloud services in 2020. IaaS is forecast to grow 24%! Check out this press release and contact Proereal SRL for answers to your #Azure migration questions.

Learn how to modernize your apps and data on Azure

Considering the cloud? We know how important it is for your business-critical apps to be quickly up and running. Same for web applications and databases. Microsoft @Azure has tools to help migrate workloads with minimal code changes. #Azure simply has the smoothest route and most straightforward transition from on-promises to the cloud. Check this out and connect with Proereal SRL for migration assistance.

Why Migrate with Azure?

Thinking about modernizing your business? As you research cloud-based services, know that Microsoft Azure has unbeatable offers. Customers are realizing significant savings by taking advantage of unique offers such as Extended Security Updates only offered through #Azure. The Azure Migration Program walks customers step-by-step through the journey to the cloud. Contact Proereal SRL now for assistance!

Lizo | Digital transformation in the oil & gas industry: seamless scaling and automatic updating

Updating software and installing on-premises infrastructure takes time—time away from running your business. Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB processing time skips from weeks to a mere few minutes—something that only cloud technology can accomplish. Check out this video to watch how moving to the cloud allows a company to maximize the potential of their software and their business.

Interested in what Azure could do for your business? Contact Proereal SRL today.

Bringing Apps and Start-ups Together

Cloud service providers can play a key role in the modernization of app development simply by using open-source databases on the cloud, reducing time-to-market. This is helpful since more and more consumers are using apps not only for social networking, but for news, food, information, and more. Read “Bringing Apps and Start-ups Together” by Prabhakar Jayakumar, and connect with Proereal SRL for more SMB content.

Discover the benefits of modernization and save with Azure SQL Database Managed Instance

Switching from an on-premises server to Azure SQL Database Managed Instance can result in an ROI of 212% and post-migration payback within six months.

How is this possible? The brilliance behind Azure SQL Database Managed Instance is its customizability. Choose and pay for exactly the space and computing power you need, while utilizing options like Azure Hybrid Benefit and reserving capacity to save you big dollars.

Plus, the move from your on-premises server to the cloud is simple, with no need to reconfigure your applications.

We’re ready to help you get started.

Microsoft Azure IaaS has the data to back it up

Curious about financial results for companies that have migrated to the cloud with Microsoft Azure IaaS? Forrester Research interviewed six customers, aggregated data, and produced a report of the five-year Total Economic Impact of Microsoft Azure IaaS. For starters, the companies experienced a 73% reduction in data center footprints and costs, and an 83% reduction in IT outsourcing costs. To read the entire report, look here: The Total Economic Impact of Microsoft Azure IaaS Contact Proereal SRL today for more information about Azure.

Lizo | Digital transformation in the oil & gas industry: improving on-site safety

We know that for some businesses, real-time updates of their facilities and equipment is essential. Saving time is saving money, but it’s just as important to maintain site safety. It’s also known that cloud-based software can most efficiently manage large volumes of data. That’s where Microsoft @Azure fits the bill. Watch how a company such as Lizo can meet all of their customer needs, including cost savings. Connect with Proereal SRL today for more information about #Azure.